Dr. Wall Care Ready Mix Plaster is ready to use by just mixing water at site. Hence it gives consistent quality with required sand mesh sizes in exact proportion
which is most important for compactness of plaster. Further to have desired workability, less rebounding losses, required slump properties and overall durability,
polymers are added in PLASTER. plaster is cement based mortar for external as well as internal plaster which ensures quality consistency. It is a mixture of
graded insert fillers, additives and binder, has excellent impermeability characteristics, increases plastic life of mortar and reduces drying shrinkage cracks. It is
free from corrosion inducing substances and can used with plastering machines.

What is Plastering ?

Plastering is the process of covering rough surface of wall, column, ceiling and other parts of the building with thin coat of mortars to form a
smooth, hard and durable surface capable of protecting external surface against penetration of rain water and other atmospheric vagaries. A good plaster needs
to have strong adhesion on wall and ceiling with excellent water resistant, crack free and work ability properties that will protect the interior, provide flat base for
painting, minimize the inconvenience of maintenance and speed up the construction. Therefore, in many ways, Plastering is as critical as structural members,
brickwork, flooring, etc. Dr. Wall Care RMP provides highly durable plaster that cuts repair the maintenance cost & Excellent work ability and good adhesion on various substrate

· Uniform quality and strength due to quality control and produce under strict supervision in factory.
· Easy to handle, mix, transportation save lot of energy which is required in conventional method/system.
· Wall plaster with Dr. wall care plastering can be paint earlier compare to wall plaster with conventional mortar.
· Wall in which dr. wall care plastering has been used gets more strength in lesser time & lesser curing as compare to other materials.
· Labour cost can be reduces.
· Preparation is simply, just add water 18% to 20%.
· Mixing can be done manually or by stirrer.

· During hot weather, cure the surface with fully/light spraying of water.
· Don not take internally avoids breathing dust. Wear a respirator in dusty areas.
· Easy to mix and use dry mortar saves water, sand, cement & time.
· Joint thickness minimum 8/10 mm against 15mm to 25mm in other material.
· No wastage during use against conventional cement mortar.

Appearance                                : Grayish granular Powder
Binder                                         : OPC Cement
Aggregate                                  : 0.5-1.0mm Silica sand standard
Additieves                                 : Polymers, Water soluble additives to improve workability, adhesion & durality
Bulk Density                             :1.4-1.5
Compressive strength                > 11-12Nmm2@28days

Coverage                                    :18-20 sqft/40kg bag
Coat Thickness 8-12 mm
Pot Life                                      : 2 Hour
Water Demand                          : 18%-20% by weight

PACK: 40Kg bag

SHELF LIFE: Factory sealed bag of this product are guaranteed to be of first quality for 06 months if stored off the ground in dry area.


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