(Polyurethane Liquid Waterproof Membrene)


AAFIX 1K PU COATING water proofing is a single component liquid applied, highly permanent elastomeric polyurethane based coating. It is designed to give long lasting, cold curing, maintenance free and superior waterproofing protection for concrete and steel substrates. It is UV stable coating and specially formulated for external applications.


• Innovative Technology

• Excellent UV resistance

• Excellent Adhesion to concrete & Steel Substrates.

• Excellent Chemical resistance

• Excellent elastic recovery

• Good tensile strength


Can be used for a wide variety of applications, which includes the following:

• Inverted roofs                                                                      • Sunken slabs                                   • Concrete and polyester built up roofs                               

 • Permanent wet areas                                                         • Metal roofs                                      • Basements                                            • Bridges and tunnels


Colour                               : White

Specific Gravity                : 1.4 kg / litter

Solids content                   : 80% ± 5

Minimum drying time      : 8-12 hours @ 30-35°C 

Tensile strength                :  4.5 N/mm²

Elongation at break          :  400-500%

Crack Bridging Capacity : 2-3 mm average

Chemical Resistance       :Excellent

Adhesion to Concrete      : 4.5 MPa

Recoat time                     :  6 hours @ 35°C

Application temperature : 5°C to 45°C


Application procedures may vary slightly depending upon site conditions. The general recommended guidelines for the application of the waterproof coating system is as follows:

Concrete Surface: -

The concrete should be minimum 28 days cured before the coating is applied. The surface shall be cleaned thoroughly of all contaminants like dust, traces of curing compound, oil and grease. Light mechanical grinding or high pressure water jet may be used to clean the surface. All surface imperfections and protrusions shall be removed and repaired.

Steel Surface: -

The substrate should be abraded and preferably shot blasted with grit or steel balls. Area where steel blasting is not practical, pre-treatment must be carried out with premature descaling guns, rotary wire brushes or buy flash scaling. The surface should be cleaned with a strong solvent or a detergent to remove any grease or oil contamination. The clean surface must be coated as soon as possible before the formation of any rust or scale.


Apply AFFIX PU 1K COATING @ 0.6 – 0.75 kg/m² directly to prepared substrate after mixing the material with a slow speed mixer. The material can be applied with a brush, roller or airless spray and shall be applied in a minimum of two coats. The first coat shall be allowed to dry completely before the second coat is applied. The second coat shall be applied cross wise to the first coat. Allow AFFIX 1K PU COATING to cure for at least 2 days to achieve its full strength.


 The coverage varies depending on area of use: General use – 2m²/kg @ 700-800 microns thickness.


 Available in 20 Kg. Pail.


Clean all tools immediately after use with thinner. Hardened material can be cleaned with a Solvent.


The shelf life of the product is up to 12 months if stored as per the recommendations. Excessive exposure to sunlight and UV will result in the deterioration of the product and reduce its shelf life.The material must be stored in a covered area, away from direct sunlight, UV and other sources of heat.


Keep out of reach of children. Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves, and eyes/face protection. After contact with skin, wash immediately with plenty of clean water. In case of contact with eyes rinse immediately with plenty of clean water and seek medical advice.

For more details, please refer the relevant Material Safety Data Sheet


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