Dr. Wall Care Ready Mix Mortar is a thin bed, high strength, pre-mixed, uniform quality assured mortar compressing with OPC cement, Specially Silica Sand and Polymer modified specially formulated and easily applied, giving a better bonding with higher air entering properties. It is use in laying various types of fly ash/concrete bricks, AAC block, Concrete block and natural stones. It replaces conventional Jointing Mortar of 20-25mm thickness with highly versatile 5mm-10mm thickness mortar.
· Easy to mix and use dry mortar saves Water, Sand, Cement & Time.
· It is use in laying various types of fly ash/concrete bricks, AAC block, Concrete block and stones.
· Joint thickness minimum 3-5mm against 20-25mm in another conventional material.
· No curing required to the joints after installation in AAC block masonry against other conventional cement.
· No wastage during use RRM mortar.
· Just add 18%-20% water in 40kg RMM bag.
· Easy to handle, mix, transportation save lot of energy which is required in conventional method.
· No specially/Skill person required for jointing of AAC block, concrete block and fly ash bricks masonry.
· Wall in which Dr. wall Care Jointer has been used gets more strength in lesser time as compare to another materials.
· Skip the activities of supervision & monitoring the quality of mortar at site.Uniform quality.
· High humidity will reduce the shelf life of bagged product.
Appearance Free flowing powder : Color Grey
Water Demand : 18%-20%
Thickness : 5mm-10mm
Hard Dry : 24 hour
Pot life : Approx 2 hours
Water curing : No additional water required
Tensile adhesion strength AAC Block : 1.05 after 28days)
Coverage approximately : Depends on jointing iteams.
PACK: 40Kg Bag
SHEL LIFE: Factory sealed bag of this product are guaranteed to be of first quality for 6th Month if stored off the ground in dry area.