Dr. Wall Care Dry Mix Mortar products are in best alternative against traditional material for masonry work. It’s on site mixing and Procurement procedure for masonry work, Dr. Wall care Mortars is manufactured with well graded sand along with best quality cement and polymer based additives. Hence it gives consistent quality with required sand mesh sizes in exact proportion which is most important for compactness of masonry work. It is a mixture of graded insert fillers, additives and polymer binders, has excellent impermeability characteristics, increase plastic life of mortar and reduces drying, shrinkage & cracks.
Dry Mix Mortar Products can be used for Bricks, Cement Concrete Blocks, and Fly Ash Bricks & AAC or CLC Blocks internal & external masonry & plaster work application.
Mixing: For mixing we recommend mechanical mixer – Stirrer or manual method. Add almost 7 to 8 liters of water in a single 40kg bag mix & mix the contents along with water 4 to 5 minutes. After mixing leave the mix for 2 to 3 minutes to dissolve the additives used. For better result and consistency use of water should be observed.
Curing: Dr. Wall Care Dry Mix Mortar Products are polymer based so, No water Curing required & in hot weather Curing can be done after 24 hours for 2-3 times.
Feature & Benefits:
Uniform quality product due to best in class particle size distribution.
Easy to handle, mix & transportation save lot of energy is required in conventional method
Labour cost can be reduces.
Excellent workability
Surface obtained is highly impermeable due to best grading hence became water-tight.
High durability cuts repair and maintenance cost.
Preparation is simply, just add water 18-20%.
Dry Mix Products list as below:
1. Ready Mix Mortar
2. Block Jointer
3. Ready Mix Plaster Grey/White
4. Ready Mix Plaster -Coloured
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